Mewaspadai Generasi Lemah Menurut Al-Quran

Lewis Pramana Lubis


The character building of this Islamic youth is an obligation that must be carried out. In the teachings of the noble Islamic religion, youth as part of the people of Muhammad SAW play a very important role. Tanjung Ibus is a village located in Langkat Regency, Secanggang District. It is a village with an overall population of Muslims. However, the average condition of the people with economic conditions is lower and poor. With the majority of occupational professions they are farmers and fishermen. So, to revive the economy and living conditions of the people in this village, there needs to be a real movement. Especially the movement of character building for the younger generation with the aim of forming a generation that can make changes to the standard of living in their respective families and even be able to build their villages into prosperous.

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